First, a poem I constructed in late autumn 2024 inspired by a lovely poem by a dear friend.
*As I Settle in for Winter
(My take on John MacKenzie's beautiful poem All Winter Long)
*As I settle in for winter and wild winds outside sweep the hardwoods clean
I gather in those fragments the years have lent me,
line them up against the floorboards to settle in the grooves of memory, gathering dust.
Time, it seems, has worn these grooves so deep
that small colonies of moss grow on the detritus there.
Amid the living tangle
I find years and years of summertime's posies drying,
And the haunting chorus of peepers in springtime rattling joyous in my ears.
Breathing deeply I find that the bright fragrance of creeping thyme, pinched between my fingertips in late July, is singing hallelujah in my limbic system still.
As I settle in for winter
I draw nearer round me these memories and the comfort they bring.
Grasping them the way Pearly Everlasting clings to August's cape,
I sink down into their embrace and the memory of your skin on mine to warm me.
*As I settle in for the opening line of the poem All Winter Long by PEI poet, John MacKenzie.
Secondly, a writing response from a five day mediation and writing challenge I am taking through the generosity of writer Nadia Colburn...a beautiful way to ease into a new year of writing, is writing from a place of quiet and beauty.
After mediating on day one and following listening to the gorgeous poem From Blossoms by Li-Young Lee read by Nadia which I erroneously heard as Plum Blossoms (forgive me, I have been folding pretty Japanese paper into origami covered with fruit blossoms of late) Nadia then prompted us for a short, free- flow writing session. Here is what day one (Jan 10th) produced for me...raw and unedited...naked as the new year baby itself:
From wing to wing to wing
how else can we move through
these days of exile
days of darkness
days when we exist as though death were in the offing, sooner, much sooner, than later?
Oh how I want to teach you to live with the love of the orchard
ripe with abundance
to live with these blessings of joy
as reminders of life blooming
each breath in you
Life blooming and asking to see your jubilance at it.
To let joy be the power that lifts the wing to sky
that lifts the wing to sky and the heart to wanting to
taste the sky
to taste the magnificence of
being so open to life and its unfolding
that even in your closing for sleep
you are still wing to wing with the golden hour
wing to wing with the winter wonderland of trails quieted by snowy boughs
wing to wing with possibility dreaming itself through you
The world will try to numb you with distraction
to rob you of the one bright chance to show up dazzling
to show up beaming in jubilance
to show up exclaiming
I have tasted life
and though some was distasteful
what is good in the orchard
I have taken within
What is good in the orchard in autumn can hold me through the
cold of winter's night.
And thirdly, day two of the challenge, January 11th, 2025, saw me do a guided breathwork meditation, followed by listening to Nadia read aloud Mary Oliver's so wise poem,
and then onto the free- fall writing exercise...all totaling approx 15minutes of combined meditation and writing each day.
Also, in its pure form...xo and keeping the line breaks as they were written. ;)
What if we awoke each morning
sunless or not
and greeted each other in
the kitchen
kettle boiling
as the pillars of light that we are
What if we came to know each
other's beings so deeply
that we only needed one
name for all we greet
Hello love
This morning when I awoke and looked to the west the sky had
a January magnificence to it
Late sunrise matched my late rising well enough that I caught the
sky wide remnants of
petals of that wildflower unfurling still across the land
A wash of soft peach above the snowy treetops, a blush really,
a blush that felt like an invitation
a blush of sky at being truly seen
And I wanted to run out into
the yard
and up the hill
through the park to the trail that would take me to the
opening of field and woods where
I could see the sea beneath
the blushing sky
The icy steel grey sea
the softly blushing sky
But I didn't- I reasoned with myself
that I needed food first
that I hadn't eaten enough yesterday
to trudge through snow with heavy boots on
So I stayed instead and put the kettle
on, emptied the dishwasher, started the laundry,
warmed leftover pancakes when my tea was ready
and sat to eat looking outside
and feeling so very sad
I am so sorry love
I failed to meet you yet again.
Last night at 2am I was up to go and pee- an early waking for me but then I fell
into bed exhausted early and fell asleep early also so this was no real surprise
and I came back into my dark room
and realized my floor beside my bed was illuminated in a way it rarely is...I sort of stumbled
across the wooden floorboards as though
they had a different dimension to
them as I fell onto our bed
I glanced outside in my half
asleep still stupor- no- the street light at the corner couldn't possibly
cast a beam of light gleaming on my floor
Look up old friend- look higher- and
there it was so high in the western sky
and almost full- the moon in a January night.
Thanks for reading my new year's ramblings.
I know there is so much heartache in this world and that my words may seem frivolous in the face of what horrors are unfolding but I go on woodland trail walks, meditate, drink tea and write as a way to honour myself and to build a heart- centered fortitude to help me navigate the deep pain I feel at the suffering of the world, this new year, 2025.
I also do these practices to see if joy might want to stop by for a visit. And lo and behold, it often does.
I acknowledge my privilege in doing so...and that my trail walks are often now through a post, tropical storm Fiona, partial clear cut of a treed woods I once held dear and grief is still my companion there, and especially on days I walk alone.
I wish you peace and wellness and the opportunity to heart center yourself so that you too may be strong and well and better able to cope with whatever 2025 may throw your/our way.
Wishing you, as well, the goodness of visitations of bright joy in the otherwise gloom of the world.
In hope and wonder,
XO to my dear west coast, fab artist friend, G, who lives way too close to the terrifying California blazes.
ps My favourite book of 2024!
Jill, you continue to be such a blessing for so many and your message of loving kindness is seeping in to everyone who hears it slowly but surely. Slowly but surely being the best way for messages to be transmitted. Not like your mother who is the preaching and pounding type! Keep up your beautiful writing. Making a difference to even one person is such a difference! Ma xxxooo
Jill, thank you so much for sharing your beautiful and oh-so-meaningful reflections. Your poetry is resonant: my heart is touched. I needed your writing today to ground me, Re-member my parts, and reweave my sometimes tattered soul. You are a blessing. Big Hug from the Pacific coast