My Wish for Peace--Handing You a Seed
First written for The Art of Autism Peace Project 2020 about Peace being found by honouring the gifts of an ordinary day and from that peacefulness within, finding the strength to speak up against wrongdoing.
And shared from a place of privilege of not living under war wrought by a tyrannical despot...
Thanks for taking time out of your day to read this and contemplate pathways to peace...
Peace is nighttime staring at the dark and sweeping, cloudless, summer star- bright sky
With your small form standing barelegged on a red-clay road
a cow pasture lined with Goldenrod and Queens Anne’s Lace behind you
and surrounding you the fragrance of a saltwater marsh
tethers your senses to the here and now
and all the while that erstwhile feeling you get
as the trailing tail of a comet explodes your mind into blazing galaxies
far beyond imaginings of long ago
these are the stirrings of Peace
reminding you that eons mean nothing more than the
everything of how we all exist
somehow in this great moment of possibility
like a dome- shaped skyscape and your cousin’s face and a stranger’s soothing voice reminding you
We All Are One
and Peace is also the Hallelujah of this all set to the hum of ten thousand Cricket’s cricketing
and lapping waves
and everything feels right just for those moments and even when you remember briefly the reasons it might not be perfect after all
Peace is bearing witness to this remembering and still choosing a loving pathway forward
Peace is having trauma and still choosing compassion at your next chance
Peace is the inward sweeping motion of the heart to welcome all that’s on the margins
Come in, come in Peace says with kind and smiling eyes
There’s room for you here, the kettle is on,
You’re safe, let’s sit awhile dear friend
Peace is fruits and berries and winter squash and cabbage and corn and potatoes which have been harvested from fields and trees that were tended with care, shared freely
Peace is where the needs of the World are justly reconciled
Peace is those cold and hungry being fed and sheltered
Peace is tending to the sick and elderly with kindness
Peace is fence mending and bridge building and breaking down those walls that are meant to divide and conquer Spirit
Brick by red Earth brick
Peace is the place where loneliness finds a tender companion in joy
Peace is the space between the in breath and the out
And the trust that allows that space to exist
Peace is making our little circles wider to accommodate more needs
Peace is watching concentric circles form after still waters are broken by a dropping stone, a diving duck, a jumping fish and feeling grateful for each one
Peace is the ripple and the dip between the waves and
The calm before the storm when the storm is all of life
And in that storm Peace is you remembering to be quiet and just breathe
Peace is this ritual of quieting
Peace is the listening that happens when you quiet
Peace is the quiet
And from that quiet
Peace is the means we communicate desire for reform
through reconciliation
And holding space
Peace is an avenue through which all languages
become known in the one language of the heart
Peace is the truth of bravery in the face of great difficulty
World Peace--my wish with every birthday candle I blew out on childhood birthday cakes
World Peace isn’t possible
I was told by other adults when I grew up and braved my heart to share my childlike wishes
It isn’t possible because the world exists thanks to the constant motions of flux they said
But to me
Peace is bowing to those motions of flux in honouring
sharing in their bounties
allowing those natural harmonies to
sing out beautifully in the natural world
with far less interference
Peace is knowing the Air has the right to exist for its own existence and respecting that
That Water has the right to be clean and life giving and respecting that
That Soil has the right to live and thrive without being depleted and respecting that
Peace knows this delicate natural harmony the living world depends upon for myriad existences has the right to exist of its own accord and peace is respecting that
Peace is making heart space enough to heal a broken world beginning now
Peace is a Monarch Butterfly’s wings fluttering on the breeze and a chrysalis on Milkweed
Peace is the whisk like call of the Nelson’s Sparrow in a saltwater marsh in evening time
Peace is a choice we can all make towards healing
Peace is saying yes to clean foods and no to chemicals and pesticides
And quietly living your choices with a calm heart and mind
Peace means harming is not a pathway to more
Not individually nor globally
Peace understands enough
Peace requires pauses
Peace demands action
There is so simulacrum for Peace
Yet the beauty of true Peace shines like moonlight on the Water
showing the way forward for us to respond
In the darkness
Shining on apples
Shining on sweet hay
Shining on the leaves that turn colours in autumn
Shining in the eyes of children who are allowed to be themselves
Shining on the tidal pools where the minutiae of that little world plays out in
Birth, Living, Death, Rebirth
Peace is saying
I am Willing
I am Willing to plant the Seed of Peace in my heart in the good faith that
if nurtured
one day it will bloom
It will bloom and the whole world will make posies of it
I lay down myself to all this in its honour…
I hand you a Seed
Wishing you Peace
Jill M. MacCormack
Feb 28th 2022 excerpt from Atiya Jaffar at (my bold)
Then, I read a quote from the Ukrainian delegate to the IPCC. Ahead of IPCC’s release of it’s latest report on climate impacts he said:
“We will not surrender in Ukraine, and we hope the world will not surrender in building a climate resilient future… Human-induced climate change and the war on Ukraine have the same roots -- fossil fuels -- and our dependence on them.”1
This line gave so much clarity to this moment in history. Fossil fuels are driving both war and warming. The case has never been stronger to leave this toxic fuel source in the ground and, building a more just, fair and sustainable world.
WHAT: A Conversation with Climate Leaders: Where do we go next? WHO: Join us to hear from renowned movement leaders Anjali Appadurai and Avi Lewis, and local Climate Justice Edmonton Organizer Juan Vargas WHEN: Tomorrow! (Tuesday) March 1 - 4pm PT / 5pm MT / 6pm CT / 7pm ET / 8pm AT / 8:30pm NT WHERE: On Zoom - RSVP below to get the link.
And finally this news story:
Wishing you peace and wellness.

I folded these paper peace cranes filled with a love and hope for peace and shaped to form a heart pictured here on my living room floor. xo Jill
This has to be one of the most beautiful pieces you have ever written and shows how you live what you believe and are an inspiration to all who read your work. So well done, Jill-hang in there!xxxooo ma