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Writer's pictureJill MacCormack

Happy-- Blue Moon-- Hallowe'en

Happy Hallowe'en! Today in Stratford, PEI we awoke to snow on top of our uncarved pumpkins lining our sandstone framed front garden. 'Twill be a cold gutting a little later on. After so much wonderfully abundant life, the garden has had death, blackened and withering, creep in. And fitting for Hallowe'en morning this year.

2020 has been a fear filled year, thus far. Who needs a run down to keep the fear oven stoked? Not I! It refuels itself every time I look online. And so I practice breathing.

Today I offer you two strange little Hallowe'en haiku reminding us to be present to what is through the process of applying non judgemental awareness. Apologies in advance for the first hyperlink.

*A word on word choice-- I chose waken because my first choice-- awaken-- had too many syllables to keep in the haiku and waken sounds more literar-ily creepy.

Hallowe'en Haiku


Awakening, snow

caps uncarved pumpkins- I feel

frozen, near gutted.


Once in a blue moon

you *waken on Hallowe'en

Ten years ago our kids were still young and Hallowe'en was huge in this house. We had an epic friend party with around thirty kids in much the same vein as the spooktacular ones my ma threw several times in our growing up years for our neighborhood friends. As my own kids got older, pumpkin carving parties became a nice transition from the costume and candy grab phase to laughter, snacks and carving with extended family. This pic brings nice memories from our pumpkin carving party in 2015. Maybe we will be able to gather again next year?

Boo well,


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Oct 31, 2020

Covid halloween may, on the face of it, seem lesser to kids than other years, but I'll bet lots of them will be pleasantly surprised when all is totalled up! Their grown-ups will see to that! ma

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